Polimi GSOM MSc

Thant Htet...

Hello !

I've found out that Polimi GSOM has MSc in Fintech, Finance and Digital Innovation. I checked the curriculum and found out that its a blend of three things mentioned in the degree title, obviously.

A thing I am curious to know is whether it can be considered a finance-specialized master's degree and whether it is relevant enough to be applied to the finance industry, like investment management, etc.

Thank you

Hello !

I've found out that Polimi GSOM has MSc in Fintech, Finance and Digital Innovation. I checked the curriculum and found out that its a blend of three things mentioned in the degree title, obviously.

A thing I am curious to know is whether it can be considered a finance-specialized master's degree and whether it is relevant enough to be applied to the finance industry, like investment management, etc.

Thank you

No. You can see from the curriculum, partner companies and job titles given on its website that this is a degree for future developers and sellers of financial software applications. 

No. You can see from the curriculum, partner companies and job titles given on its website that this is a degree for future developers and sellers of financial software applications. 

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