NUS vs Nanyang for International Students


Hi there,
Do you have any comments about NUS vs Nanyang? In FT ranking, Nanyang is superior to NUS. Why?

Hi there,
Do you have any comments about NUS vs Nanyang? In FT ranking, Nanyang is superior to NUS. Why?

In terms of brand name, NUS has better brand compared to NTU because NUS also teach liberal arts studies unlike NTU which is more like engineering school.
You cannot go wrong with either schools but more NUS grads are in singapore business sectors.
Most Nanyang grads are engineers.

why Nanyang is superior?
In my opinion, nanyang has more engineers (coming from china) who want to switch into business worlds.
And being both engineer and from china, they can go back to china to start-up a company.
These people will build china (and Asia) with their enterpreneurial skills.
NUS grads are full of career switchers (IT engineers try to switch into finance) and accountants.

If I can choose, I would go with Nanyang.
Not because of its ranking, but because of its "strategy" concentration electives.

In terms of brand name, NUS has better brand compared to NTU because NUS also teach liberal arts studies unlike NTU which is more like engineering school.
You cannot go wrong with either schools but more NUS grads are in singapore business sectors.
Most Nanyang grads are engineers.

why Nanyang is superior?
In my opinion, nanyang has more engineers (coming from china) who want to switch into business worlds.
And being both engineer and from china, they can go back to china to start-up a company.
These people will build china (and Asia) with their enterpreneurial skills.
NUS grads are full of career switchers (IT engineers try to switch into finance) and accountants.

If I can choose, I would go with Nanyang.
Not because of its ranking, but because of its "strategy" concentration electives.

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