MBA Major



I'm planning to start my MBA studies and the plan was to go for global management or marketing major. However, I can see that new major is available for Digital Transformation which is claimed to be the future.

What do you think? Will be a good career step to go for the Digital Transformation major? Or should I just stick to the common majors?

Currently I work as a project manager with Engineering background.

Thanks in advance


I'm planning to start my MBA studies and the plan was to go for global management or marketing major. However, I can see that new major is available for Digital Transformation which is claimed to be the future.

What do you think? Will be a good career step to go for the Digital Transformation major? Or should I just stick to the common majors?

Currently I work as a project manager with Engineering background.

Thanks in advance

The school matters much more than the major. 

The school matters much more than the major. 

What are your goals? Generally a better solution would be to do a general MBA from a top, ranked school, than something more specialized at an unranked school.

I'm not entirely sure the field of 'digital transformation' is in desperate need of a full on specialized MBA program. Sounds more like buzzwords than something actually valuable. 

What are your goals? Generally a better solution would be to do a general MBA from a top, ranked school, than something more specialized at an unranked school.<br><br>I'm not entirely sure the field of 'digital transformation' is in desperate need of a full on specialized MBA program. Sounds more like buzzwords than something actually valuable.&nbsp;

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